Tandem Software Group Limited

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Sage Software : Line 50 Payroll Solutions : Line 50 P11D Software

P11D - 25 Employees

Price:  £76.00 £89.30 Including VAT at 17.5%

P11D - 25 Employees with 12M SageCover

Price:  £131.00 £153.93 Including VAT at 17.5%

P11D - 50 Employees

Price:  £108.00 £126.90 Including VAT at 17.5%

P11D - 50 Employees with 12M SageCover

Price:  £173.00 £203.28 Including VAT at 17.5%

P11D - 100 Employees

Price:  £156.00 £183.30 Including VAT at 17.5%

P11D - 100 Employees with 12M SageCover

Price:  £236.00 £277.30 Including VAT at 17.5%

Sage Software : Line 50 Payroll Solutions : Line 50 P11D Software

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