Tandem Software Group Limited

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Sage Software : Instant Accounting Software

Instant Accounting

Instant Accounting
Sage Instant Accounting is a totally integrated system; it records all your financial transactions, updates your ledgers automatically, holds customer, supplier and product records, prints invoices and produces financial reports.

Price:  £126.81 £149.00 Including VAT at 17.5%

Instant Payroll

Instant Payroll
Sage Instant Payroll 2000 is designed specifically for small businesses. Even without any prior knowledge of accounts or technology you can run your payroll quickly and easily. You'll soon master how to process payments, keep up-to-date with government legislation and get quick access to your employee names, addresses, tax codes, rates of pay and gross pay-to-date figures. To make your life even easier all of the current PAYE and National Insurance bands and rates are included in the software. You can pay all employees at the touch of a button, with all gross and net pay, tax and NI figures calculated automatically, leaving you time to concentrate on growing your business.

Price:  £126.81 £149.00 Including VAT at 17.5%

Sage Software : Instant Accounting Software

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